

hang up the phone的相關標籤

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Last night, Fatimah had an anxiety attack ‪at 4am‬. At first, I thought she was just having a bad dream, so I told her to go back to sleep. She was quiet for a while, refusing to talk. But a few minutes later, she started to hyperventilate. Only then did I realise there was something wrong with her. The very first thing that I did was calm myself down, because if I panic, she will get worse. So I pulled myself together and told her to calm down. She started crying... . She then said, "I want Mamajee! I’m scared! Kakak Athisha is leaving and she won’t come back like Mamajee." . At that point, I understood that the cause of her anxiety attack was because Athisha was going back to Malaysia for the Christmas holidays. So now, I realise that separation seems to trigger her anxiety. She couldn’t make it to school, refused to have breakfast and she was crying on and off for a few hours. But luckily, we had some leftover lasagna - her favourite - so we finally managed to convince her to eat. After lunch, Mr Dad took her out shopping for a bit of fresh air. Alhamdulillah, she looks a lot better now and she said that she’s going back to school. . I’m sharing this to reach out to other parents out there. Anxiety is real. Anxiety exists. Not only in adults, but children too. Anxiety is not a sign of weakness. Anxiety is not attention-seeking. Anxiety is a common part of the grieving process. Please do not neglect your children’s emotional wellbeing. If you too are going through a similar experience, please know that you are not alone. Hang in there. Be strong. And if things get worse, please seek professional help. . Love, Mrs Mom xx #wisemomsays . 💌Thank you Kakak @athishakhan for picking up the phone in the middle of the night, and sorry for making you worried. Please don’t think too much - Fatimah is OK now. Enjoy your holiday. We’ll see you after the New Year. . 💌Thank you @drauntie.uk for always being ready to support us, no matter where you are. We miss you so much. Can’t wait to see you soon! . 💌Thank you Mama Love @noorkartini for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to Fatimah even though you aren’t well yourself. We pray that you’ll feel better soon.

Last night, Fatimah had an anxiety attack ‪at 4am‬...